Section 36 of The Swedish Co-Determination ActVersion 2021:1114, English Translation

Bestämmanderätt om tvist om tolkning av avtalRights of determination in respect of disputes regarding the interpretation of agreements
36 §Section 36

Arbetstagarpartens rätt enligt 33-35 §§ tillkommer den avtalsslutande arbetstagarorganisationen och utövas av lokal arbetstagarorganisation, om sådan finns. Har central förhandling påkallats, utövas rätten av den centrala arbetstagarorganisationen.

The employee party's rights under Sections 33 - 35 shall vest in the employees’ organisation that has entered into a collective bargaining agreement and shall be exercised by the local employees’ organisation, where there is such an organisation. Where central negotiations have been called for, such rights shall be exercised by the central employees’ organisation.