Section 30 of The Swedish Co-Determination ActVersion 2021:1114, English Translation
Kollektivavtal | Collective Bargaining Agreements |
30 § | Section 30 |
Uppsägning av kollektivavtal skall ske skriftligen. | Notice of termination of a collective bargaining agreement shall be in writing. |
Har meddelande om uppsägning avsänts under motpartens senast kända adress så tidigt att det hade bort komma denne till handa innan uppsägning senast skulle ha skett, skall uppsägning anses ha ägt rum i tid även om meddelandet icke kommer fram eller kommer fram för sent. | Where notice of termination has been sent to the other party's last known address in sufficient time for it to have reached that party before the latest time at which notice of termination should have been given, notice of termination shall be deemed to have taken place in due time, notwithstanding that such notice was not received, or was not received in due time. |