Section 22 of The Swedish Co-Determination ActVersion 2021:1114, English Translation
Rätt till information | Right to Information |
22 § | Section 22 |
Den som med tystnadsplikt har mottagit information för lokal eller central arbetstagarorganisations räkning får utan hinder av tystnadsplikten föra informationen vidare till ledamot i styrelsen för organisationen. I sådant fall gäller tystnadsplikten även för styrelseledamoten. | Any person who, on behalf of a local or central employees' organisation, has received information subject to a duty of confidentiality may disclose such information to a member of the board of directors of the organisation notwithstanding the duty of confidentiality. In such circumstances the duty of confidentiality shall also apply to a member of the board of directors. |
Kollektivavtal | Collective Bargaining Agreements |